Paul’s testimony was: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.” What will your testimony be?
What is a productive day?
Doubt and faith: Total opposites with totally opposite results! What do you choose?
This article was written for New Year in 1957, but it is just as relevant today as it was then.
Do you allow Jesus to be your Shepherd or are you still trying to be in control of your own life?
What is happiness really?
What does this mean for me personally and for how I treat other people?
No one likes to have trials and troubles, but why do we need them to come to God’s glory?
The Bible tells us that being in godly fear is the best way to make sure your prayer is answered.
Everyone needs good friends.
The Bible tells us that if we want to become a Christian, we must give up our own life. But is this really worth it?
Comparing yourself with others can be very harmful.
What can you do when you are surrounded by your enemies?
Is it really possible to always be happy despite the unrest I face every day?
Is your home a piece of heaven for your children?
How to be always happy, no matter what!
Psalm 18 speaks about a very active God and a wholehearted man.
A lesson on stepping out in faith, from an orphan who became queen.
There is no doubt that God sees marriage as a sacred relationship!
There’s a big difference. And it is very important to know what the difference is.
School! Many young people do not even want to hear that word!
Here are a few verses about God’s glorious promise to us: we can overcome sin!
Jesus tells us that we must be born again. How do we do that?
Is it possible to have a gentle and quiet spirit when you have a loud and energetic personality?
Most people would say that the opposite of joy is sadness or sorrow. But is that true?
A shining example of the result of a life of following Jesus.
In our “secret” prayer room we have close fellowship with God, and there we have great power!
God has planned a path for me that is the best just for me.
When I see how my “normal” negative reactions have never made anything better, I want to do things differently.
God’s Word is the solution for healing and for creating something new.
It can be hard for many to believe, but it is completely possible to be free from sin.
It is God Himself who controls the boundaries of our lives with the goal to draw us closer to Himself.
Why did Moses become such a great leader?
Why do Christian revivals stop or die away?
To do righteousness in my daily life is to do what God wants me to do.
You can get Satan and his lies and deception out of your life once and for all!
What is the truth? What does it mean for us and how does it affect and change our lives?
Do the people around me see a life in God, or do they see a man who often just reacts according to his nature?
What happens when we reach our limits as human beings?
I have a promise for eternity that is worth fighting for.
Jesus can change us completely and make us into a new creation; something blessed that lasts for all eternity!
When Jesus was on earth most people didn’t know who He really was. And now it is still the same.
The Bible speaks about overcoming sin. Many people come to Jesus for forgiveness of their sins – but how about overcoming these sins?
If I want to live the life of a Christian, do I have to stop being “me”?
Faith gives us access to God’s power, but doubt shuts out God. We must believe without doubting!
What is “adultery” according to God’s Word and what are the results of adultery?
Many Christians are discussing whether divorced people may remarry or not. But what does God’s Word say?
The road to Damascus was just the beginning for Paul.
Jesus tells us that we should not be troubled by the terrible things that happen in the world.
I’ve always thought that I’m a patient person. Then I realised I was just making excuses for myself.
Are you firmly holding on to the hope you have confessed?
To get the peace of God that will keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus, you have to fight!
Each day is a precious gift from God, with new grace and new opportunities.
Everything we say comes from our thoughts.
We read a lot about the heart in the Bible. But what exactly is our heart, spiritually speaking? What is the importance of our heart?
How I can be sure that I am using my talents for God?
It is possible to never worry again!
God has called us to live an overcoming life and here’s how we can rule over sin!
How can David’s victory over Goliath be an example to us in modern times?
God can teach us how to truly love each other.
God’s commandment is simple and very clear: “You must not have any other god but me.” Exodus 20:3 (NLT).
I have experienced how great our God is, and how much healing and help there is in God’s Word.
Human beings are very selfish by nature; everything is about ourselves. But we don’t have to stay that way!
How can any person decide that another human life is less valuable than their own?
To see people as God sees them, helps us when we have to do with strong, dominating people.
I have found three reasons why I can look forward and be thankful for the coming year and the times ahead!
Let us start the new year full of hope and with a living faith in all of God’s Word.
There is only one way to really get to know Jesus.
When Jesus was born a new hope came for everyone who was tired of being a slave to sin.
I’m not so excited about the presents, music and all the decorations of the Christmas time. But there is one thing that I do get excited about at Christmas.
How do you actually become happy? How do you get real peace, happiness and joy in life?
The Bible speaks about being perfect. What does this mean, and is it possible?
In Proverbs it says that a faithful person is hard to find. Are you one of those few people?
How can the Bible help me in my situations today?
Did you know that these common sayings are not found in the Bible?
Being a Christian should affect our everyday life.
These words of Jesus were the basis of His whole work of salvation! What did He do, and what does it mean for us?
It can be difficult to understand that when God disciplines and corrects us, it is actually His grace.
It's maybe hard to see the greater purpose when you go to the same place five days a week!
Joy. It is a fruit of the Spirit that all of us are looking for. How can we always have true joy?
This is what it means to be a Christian who is serious about their faith.
How would you feel if you had only 300 men to fight against a great army?
Am I doing the same things that I criticise others for?
Have you ever thought or said these words? Do you know what God said to Jeremiah when he said this?
What does the Bible say that can still help us today?
Do you still feel guilty, even though you have received forgiveness?
Do you obey God’s word and His leading even if you don’t understand it? Try it, and you’ll see that it really works!
Did Jesus really mean what He said?
How I overcame loneliness.
I grew up in a Christian family, but what convinced me that Christianity was the truth for my own life?
I was constantly reacting to things in a way that I hated. Here’s how I found the solution.
We have a lot of pride that we don’t even see. But God wants to free us from that!
Wouldn’t it be better to talk about all the goodness in people?
Have you thought about what righteousness actually is and what its rewards are?
A mother’s honest testimony of how her child’s simple comment showed her the truth about herself.
The natural thing for human beings is to give in to sin. So how can we take up the battle against sin and win?
I can live in such a way that God is glorified through me!
“Prayer is one of the main pillars in my life. I am so glad that I can go to God and get help. Who else should I go to when I’m in need?”
Discovering how good it is to be open and honest about my faith.
How to overcome Satan’s lies and accusations.
When I walk in the light, life becomes good, and I always have a good conscience. But how do I walk in the light?
Now you are ready to begin a whole new life!
This isn’t how we are supposed to live our Christian lives, is it?
Jesus taught His disciples what was most important to pray for.
Is it possible to know God personally?
God gave us a free will, because He wants us to make our own decisions.
I found joy knowing that God created me just as I am.
“Fighting sin” can sound like a difficult thing to do, but we don’t need to do it alone!
Do you really believe in God’s goodness and power? Or do you think God is just as weak as you?
God wants to live in the hearts of people.
Throughout His life Jesus said: “Let Your will be done, not mine!” These words are the key to becoming one with God and with people.
Why you should read your Bible today.
We can learn a lot from the story of Joseph.
Find out what true riches are and how you can get them.
Purity is something that is becoming more and more uncommon.
Read this inspiring story about Daniel’s true faithfulness, and his faith in God no matter what happened to him.
How important is obedience when it comes to our faith?
Internet, smartphones and everything that comes with them – how should a Christian deal with all these things?
It is possible to live the life of Jesus while we are still here on earth!
How can we find the right church among so many?
We know that the Bible says that God loves us. But where is He in difficult times?
How can you be part of the biggest change in history?
Would they see their names written on the walls of our hearts with love and care? Or would they find a cold, dark room?
I used to struggle a lot with dark thoughts and discouragement. Here’s how it all changed.
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation.” How does this work in practice?
We don’t have all the answers about the end times. But do you know what is the most important thing you can do to get ready?
Since I cannot overcome sin without the help of the Holy Spirit, it is very important that I listen and obey when the Spirit speaks to me.
How can I walk by the Spirit?
How I overcame dark and heavy thoughts.
A testimony about living to please God.
Why would someone give up their own will?
How do I actually become happy with those who are happy, even when I don’t feel like it?
To learn from the Master we need to be poor in spirit.
Esther was a “prayer warrior”, a God-fearing woman with a strong personal connection to Jesus.
Who do I live for? Am I serving God or people?
The simple answer I once heard someone give to this question made a big impression on me.
What are you actually fighting for?
As a busy mother, I was trying to do everything right, but it wasn’t until I really started to seek God’s kingdom first that everything became clear to me.
Do you know what your reward is?
Fedora tells how she became completely free from her bad temper.
What makes the life of a disciple so special?
“No matter where you live or who you are, you can become completely happy.”
An egoist or a helper?
Being a Christian is so much better than we could possibly imagine.
Have you ever doubted that God loves you? These Bible verses might change that.
The Bible speaks about living before God and not before people. But what does that mean in practical life?
What is the real cause of all disagreements and conflicts?
How I became overflowing with thankfulness.
It’s possible to place all my trust in God. He guides my life.
Sometimes “talents” might mean something very different to what you might think.
Samuel was special from childhood. His story shows us how important it is to listen to God’s voice and to obey it, whatever it takes.
Who or what decides if I will become irritated with those around me?
A film in English class made me think about the effect my words have on those around me.
With so much “information” available and everyone trying to tell us that they are telling the truth, how is it possible to know what actually is true?
“Be thankful in all circumstances.” How can we do that?
The Bible tells us to “always be joyful”. But how is that possible?
To you who are really fighting hard to overcome sin and are still not getting it right: It shall succeed!
Even though my feelings often seem to change without warning, I’ve learned the secret to getting them under control so that they don’t rule over me.
“Your thoughts are free,” they say. But are they really? Do you experience true freedom in your thought life?
His own experiences have proved that this life is real.
Being able to look forward to the day that I meet my Saviour and receive the reward of a faithful life, is one of the greatest benefits of being a Christian.
Do you ever feel like everything is against you? That’s how I feel today.
We are called to be children of God. But what do we need to be called children of God?
Deborah was a prophetess and judge in Israel. She is a powerful example of how faith in action works!
Who is the Holy Spirit? Why do I need Him?
Jesus could see what Nathanael was like before even speaking to Him. What was so special about Nathanael?
Have you heard of the “now” way?
Some schools have “show and tell” days. I thought about how that also applies when we want to share the gospel with others …
This will definitely make you happier!
It is not a bad thing to know your weakness when it comes to sin. No, not at all! But do you know where you can get power from?
As Christians, what can we hope for in the new year?
The Christmas season can be so busy that we can easily forget what we are celebrating.
She was just a normal young woman from Nazareth, but she became the mother of Jesus Christ. Why her?
This great joy that the angels spoke about so long ago changed everything, and it can still completely change our lives today.
Let us joyfully tell the good news about everything that is now possible by faith in Jesus Christ!
The story of Mary and Elizabeth in the Bible tells of a wonderful friendship. What made their friendship so solid?
In the daily battle that a Christian must fight against sin, we need to know how to keep standing!
Have you counted the cost?
A sign I saw on the way to work made me think about the first Christmas in Bethlehem.
The surprising truth about how difficult it is to be nice.
Satan’s goal is to separate us from God. This is how we can stop him.
Believing is more than just agreeing that the Bible is true.
How a bomb threat tested my confidence in God.
We all have sinful desires in our nature which try to trick us into doing evil. How can we be saved from these?
Do you have a High Priest that understands your weaknesses and helps you to overcome?
I’ve learned that the way to be with difficult people is by learning to manage my own reactions.
The apostle Paul writes, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”
Everyone wants world peace, but creating peace starts with me.
The goal is not to have as much as possible of this world, but to let go of everything.
Read how some young people do this in their daily lives.
Sometimes I wished that I could just magically stop caring what other people thought about me.
God wants to have our spirit, and He wants to make His home in us again. How does He do this?
To believe in God is to believe that He exists and that His Word is true. And if we believe this, it should have a great effect on our daily life …
If you want to convince someone to become a Christian, a faithful life speaks louder than words.
There can be many reasons for “doing the right thing”. What is your reason?
The truth behind the way we need to serve.
A death in the family got me thinking ...
I knew I wasn’t living the way I should as a disciple, until a life-changing experience forced me to come closer to God.
This verse is like an agreement between me and God: “God is against the proud, but He gives grace to the humble.”
What drives us to do the good works that we do?
Are you actively doing something to stop sinning?
What will it take for us to obey?
Do you long to have the fruit of the Spirit?
It is important to understand that sinning and being tempted to sin are two different things.
What is the purpose of today?
“Where do I go from here?” was a question that was burning in the heart of a young man from Cameroon after he was converted.
My life changed when I discovered how much better it is to give than to receive.
Becoming like God’s Son depends on this one very important thing.
How would it feel to find out that your life has been useless?
How simple, everyday things were slowly breaking down my relationship with God.
Am I free to serve God, or am I bound by what others might think about me?
It is very difficult to explain what faith is in just a few words, but there are a few important things that can help us to get a good understanding of it.
The Bible speaks about deceiving yourself, and this can happen more easily than you think. But there is also an easy way to avoid it.
Could I have achieved more if only my circumstances had been different?
When we have a spirit of faith, God can help us to overcome things that may look totally impossible.
In my work with customers, I meet people with all sorts of personalities.
Are you ready for the truth?
Faith can turn things around, even in the darkest night. Do you believe that?
I never expected to become someone who believed in God.
Even though Anelle has been living with a disease for many years, she is a young woman who has learnt to be deeply satisfied.
No matter how different we are from one another, there is something that is the same for all of us …
Why shouldn’t I be afraid in these uncertain times? What does God’s Word say about this?
What true Christianity really looks like.
There’s only one thing that can really make you happy and give you rest.
Just think if you can say at the end of your life: “That was far better than I ever thought it would be!”
I’ve read the Bible and learned from it all my life, but how can I know for sure that the Bible is actually true?
It’s all about stopping the small thoughts before they become big problems.
The gospel is described as a “way”, because a “way” is something you walk on. On a “way” there is movement and progress.
The greatest promise that God has given us is that we can be changed completely!
There are many people who come to Jesus. But not many of them become disciples.
The first step towards a new and meaningful life.
In every situation, there is one thing you can control.
We all have things or people we turn to when we need comfort. But do you get true and lasting comfort?