Is Christ really the ruler of your heart?

Is Christ really the ruler of your heart?

What kind of life do you think a person will lead, if Jesus is his true Lord and Master, all the time?

14/12/20165 min

By ActiveChristianity

Is Christ really the ruler of your heart?

6 min

Just think how it will be when Jesus Christ, God’s Son, sits and rules freely on the throne of our hearts as an inner power. What kind of life do you think a person will lead, if Jesus is his true Lord and Master, all the time?

How many people can truly say that Christ is Lord in their hearts? Lord means “master”, the one who rules, who is the boss. In how many people’s hearts does He rule? Jesus Himself says, “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’, and don’t do what I say?Luke 6:46 (CEB). Life comes out of the heart. Christ is the life, the light of men. We are true Christians when Jesus is the only one ruling in our hearts. That is Christianity. There are many things that are called Christianity, but only very few people are true Christians. For most people who call themselves Christians, it is not true to say that Christ is sitting on the throne of their hearts.

Stop sinning!

A person would not need to ask for forgiveness if Christ was the only Master in his heart. Think hard about it! If Christ is the only one ruling in our hearts day and night, for what should we then ask forgiveness? If everything we did went as Jesus showed us and we did His will all day long, for what should we then ask forgiveness? People call Him “Lord, Lord!” but they don’t do His will. They go their own way without obeying Him. They seek Christ, but not because they want to make Him the ruler of their heart.

Most people want to receive help in their need – they want forgiveness for their sins – but who wants Him as Lord and Master, as the One who leads and steers your whole life? It is false to call Him Lord if you do not want to have Him as your Master. Then you must stop calling Him Lord. But if you want Him to lead you, then you should stop sinning. What would we lose if we choose to have Him as our Lord and Master? We would only lose everything that is evil! We would only lose everything that is worthless! What do we win? We win wisdom and the love of God and of Christ. And if we love God, we obey His word. 1 John 2:5 (GNB).

We sin if we don’t obey His word, the law, but we can get forgiveness if we feel sorry and repent. Our own natural reasoning and cleverness causes us to sin. But having Christ as Lord in our life is heaven on earth. Just think how safe it is when He, who is Wisdom, leads us in all we do, and when Christ, who loves us with a perfect love, sits on the throne of my heart.

The power of having Christ as Lord and Master

Everything is good when love itself rules! 1 Corinthians 13:7. Then Jesus Christ, God’s Son, sits and rules freely on the throne of our hearts as an inner power. Most people have Him only as a “guest”, and when the Father and the Son visit their heart once in a while, they taste a bit of its sweetness. This is the truth about most so-called Christians. This is exactly how it is!

But when Christ has become Lord and Master in our heart, He lives there. He stays there permanently, not only sometimes. Love has come into our heart, and it never leaves. It leads us in everything! You may get a taste of it when love is once in a while “on a visit”, but when love is Lord, the permanent ruler in your heart, it will always be there. Then you become someone who practices love. As a rule, people have love only “visiting” them sometimes; therefore, it goes up and down with those who seek God but have Him only as a guest in their heart. Once in a while they experience God’s goodness, but when He goes away again, they are uncertain because they have no one to lead them.

If we have the love of Christ as an inner power in our heart we receive everything that is written in 1 Corinthians 13. Christ rules in such a way that we then are always content. But most people who call themselves Christians want to go their own way and then it is Satan who rules in their heart. But it becomes so good and heavenly in us and around us when Christ is Lord and Master!

Believe in God’s Word! Christ should have all the power in our hearts. Nothing wrong ever happens when Christ is the absolute ruler, because He wants only love and goodness. When He who is perfect rules, everything is perfect.

Christ is a strict Lord, but He thinks only of my best! Make Him your ruler! Love does not think of itself; it thinks only of what is best for the others. Therefore, I advise you to choose Christ as your Lord to rule in your hearts!

This article is based on an article by Elias Aslaksen originally published on and has been adapted with permission for use on this website.

This article is translated from Norwegian, and first appeared under the title "Christ as Lord" in BCC’s periodical "Skjulte Skatter" ("Hidden Treasures") in January 1952. It has been adapted for use on this website.
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