Good news: Here is your God!
“You who bring good news to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring good news to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, “Here is your God!” Isaiah 40:9 (NIV).
On Mount Zion or in Jerusalem, there are those people who bring good news. They have found their God in whom is all grace, power, wisdom, and comfort. They can joyfully say to everyone who is sad and longing for God, “Here is your God!” Most people only see their difficulties, and they do not see the God of all goodness who loves them and would more than gladly give them all the help they need to become happy for time and eternity.
It's truly wonderful to be among those who live in "Jerusalem”. This is a totally different life than that which is lived outside its walls.
The good news of the new covenant
The prophets in the old covenant looked ahead to the joy we would be able to experience through Jesus Christ. The angel shared this good news with the shepherds in the field – good news of great joy to all people, because the Saviour had been born.
A new and glorious time began when Jesus sent His Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Then the disciples received the Spirit who had overcome the power of Satan. Jesus sent them out to spread this wonderful news - that which was impossible before had now become possible. No one could live perfectly according to his conscience before, but now it had become possible. (Hebrews 9:9-11.) During this new time, everything can change, and we have every good reason to look forward to a bright future by faith in Jesus Christ.
It‘s possible now to come to perfect unity in a glorious brotherhood! How great it is to spread good news about something like this in a world that is full of arguing and fighting. But, if you haven’t experienced it yourself, you can’t tell others about this good news with power and joy.
Paul writes that things were not so good before, but that something new and totally different had come. Sin is a weight and a burden, but Jesus brought good news to all those who were carrying heavy burdens. They could come to Him and get peace and rest. (Matthew 11:28.) If we ourselves have come into a blessed life of joy, peace, and rest in all of life’s different circumstances, we also have a great and glorious message to bring to others.
Those who can bring such good news to others have always been few, and therefore they are very precious. Unbelief has always had many messengers, but none of them have ever brought good news. Let us now in faith go up to “Zion, the high and immovable mountain”. Let us lift up our voices with strength and joy and speak about everything that is now possible by faith in Jesus Christ!