Elisha: The invisible army

Elisha: The invisible army

What can you do when you are surrounded by your enemies?

21/10/20244 min

By ActiveChristianity

Elisha: The invisible army

Imagine waking up to find your enemies all around you. What would you do? Would you be scared and feel hopeless? Or could you see that your enemies are like dust compared to the power of our God?

God’s prophet Elisha was in a situation like this after he had given good advice to Israel’s army. The king of Syria wanted to take Elisha prisoner and sent an army to the city where the prophet was staying. During the night, the Syrian army surrounded the city.

When Elisha’s servant woke early in the morning to do his usual work, he saw an army of Syrians all around the city. He cried out to his master in panic, “What shall we do?”

It’s not likely that we will have a physical army coming for us, but our enemies are spiritual powers that tempt us with impurity, worldly lusts and discouragement. “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 (NLT).

When we feel that these spiritual enemies are coming close, and tempt us to do what we know in our hearts is against God’s will, what do we do? Do we feel afraid like Elisha’s servant?

“Do not fear!”

The prophet Elisha knew exactly what to answer his servant, and his answer was simple and full of faith: “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 2 Kings 6:16. It must have been difficult for the servant to believe this! He could not see anybody ready and willing to fight against the Syrian army.

But Elisha saw the situation in a completely different way. He asked God, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” 2 Kings 6:17. Suddenly, the servant could see what Elisha saw. The hills around the city weren’t empty at all … there was a huge army of horses and chariots of fire around the city, sent by the Lord to protect His prophet!

The Syrians began to move towards the city, and Elisha asked God, “Strike this people, I pray, with blindness.” Chaos broke out in the Syrian army as the whole army suddenly went blind.

Because of Elisha’s simple faith, God reduced a mighty enemy to nothing in a few moments!

The battle today

The army of spiritual powers that is against us today is just as dangerous as the physical army that surrounded Elisha. When we see the many enemies, we can quickly feel outnumbered - we forget that if we only ask in faith, then there are many more powers willing to fight on our side!

Satan wants us to feel alone. He wants us to feel that we have no chance against the enemies. He wants us to feel that we have to fight them all by ourselves. All these thoughts are lying to us. In reality, the powers of this world are nothing compared to the power we can get through the Holy Spirit. When we are willing to believe, we can see that our enemies are nothing against the Spirit’s power and, with God on our side, we can overcome them.

“Do not be afraid—I am with you! I am your God—let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you.” Isaiah 41:10 (GNT).

Where do I put my trust?

Elisha’s servant trusted only in what he could see and understand, and therefore he was discouraged when he saw all the enemies. He saw an enemy that was too great for man to overcome. He forgot that there was a living God on his side.

Where do we put our trust? When we meet our “enemies” in our daily situations, do we react like Elisha, or do we react like his servant?

When we live in this simple faith like Elisha, all the powers of heaven are on our side!

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This article is based on an article by Frank Myrland originally published on https://activechristianity.org/ and has been adapted with permission for use on this website.