Look at yourself through God’s eyes

Look at yourself through God’s eyes

God sees you as precious and unique and of great value. How do you see yourself?

08/03/20217 min

By ActiveChristianity

Look at yourself through God’s eyes

8 min

Dear young person,

Do you know your value?

You were made with a specific purpose

You – your body, soul, and spirit were “formed” and “wonderfully made” by God with each day of your life planned in detail like the pages in a book. (Psalm 139.) The fact that you were born, how you look, and what you are able to do, are not a mistake. God doesn’t make mistakes. He made you and thoughtfully placed you in a body, a family and a specific place on this earth.

God wants everyone to live in a safe, caring environment where love for Him could grow. But some people come in bad situations because of other people’s lack of wisdom or outright sin. Evil is often the strongest in this dark world, which isn’t what God wanted. His will is that everyone should choose what is right and do good. God wants to heal those who are hurting and are broken; He plans to put an end to all suffering and to make a new earth with no pain or sadness.

You are a child of God; one of His own special people, created to live a pure, faithful life. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT). Don’t look down on what God created and loves! If you doubt God and complain about what He has created, about how you are and your situations, you don’t see the good works He has planned for you and the blessing they bring over your life.

You are perfect

Not perfect in the sense of being very clever, having a pretty face and a great personality. But perfect for God’s amazing plan for your life and for those people you can help along the way. Perfect for good deeds throughout the day that only you can do: choosing the good when you come in temptations, praying for a friend who is going through a difficult time, sending an encouraging message to someone, blessing someone at school or at work, or a family member. These are deeds that have eternal value. Trying to get a perfect body, social media image, or “easy life” is empty and useless for eternity.

You are not perfect in the sense that you do everything right the first time, haven’t fallen in sin or aren’t tempted to sin. But perfect because God sees you with eyes full of hope and love even though He knows your faults and weaknesses. He sees what you can become if you keep choosing what is right and good, He sees how valuable you are to His work and for the kingdom of heaven. You are perfect for the work of salvation that God wants to do in you. Let God guide your life and form you through trials and you will become “perfect and complete, lacking nothing” in each period of your life. (James 1:4.)

You are loved

God’s love is stronger and deeper than human love. In God you have a close friend who knows you and understands you better than anyone. He sees your heart and your desire to be good; He sees your struggles and how you are pulled away to things that aren’t good. He is always there to listen and help when you pray to Him with a upright and humble heart. “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.” Psalm 34:15.

Have others treated you badly? Do you feel alone, unimportant or unwanted? God’s love heals you when you place your life and thoughts into His hands. Did your plans not work out? Has something that is very difficult happened to you or a loved one? You aren’t loved any less by God; His love is unconditional, which means you do not have to do anything special to deserve His love. God isn’t unjust; He allows tragedy to happen to good people and bad people. God wants to teach you something through trials and lead you to Him. He wants to have your precious spirit for Himself and wants to save you from sins that make you unhappy.

You are unique

You are unique, there is no one else like you … in a really good way! You fill a special spot in this world and in God’s work. Maybe you don’t like something about the way you look or something in your personality. Maybe you are not very good in something like sports or music or it seems like you don’t have many skills compared to others. But who can be a better example and helper to your own brothers and sisters and your friends? Who can do a kind deed like you? Who can share something encouraging like you? Who can fill needs maybe only you and God can see? You are “specifically made” for the good works God has planned for you. Use your energy, ideas, skills and personality for the good right where you are in your life, at home, at school or work, with your family and friends!

God is caring for you and protecting you

God is following along closely with your life as a caring, watchful Father. You are very dear to Him and He wants very much that it should go well with you. His thoughts for you are of “peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”. (Jeremiah 29:11.) Your decisions are important to Him. God can’t make decisions for you, but He believes in you and really wants to help you if you ask Him. He is on your side as a protector, a mentor, a helper, a friend.

Have you fallen in sin again and again or made a huge mistake and feel you do not deserve God’s goodness? God is quick to forgive those who repent, and never gives up on you or becomes impatient. King David trusted God’s love and mercy when faced with enemies. He prayed, “Protect me as you would protect your own eye. Hide me under the shadow of your wings. Keep me from the wicked who attack me, from my enemies who surround me.” Psalm 17:8-9 (NCV). You can do the same and make God’s Word your hiding place when dark thoughts of discouragement and condemnation come up. Feelings and thoughts of being worthless aren’t true! Believe and do the truths in God’s Word and you will become free.

Your life has very great value

There is nothing more rare and important as someone whose trust and confidence is in God and who obeys His commandments! They are the true “stars” in this world. They will be revealed as sons and daughters of God when Jesus returns. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14.

Pray to God to open your eyes to the value of living for Him, and you will begin to see your true worth and the worth of those around you. Live with purpose, according to God’s plan for your life, and your good decisions will have eternal value. Look at yourself and the others through God’s eyes and life is hopeful and bright!

All the best!

From a former young person.

This article is based on an article by Martha Evangelisti originally published on https://activechristianity.org/ and has been adapted with permission for use on this website.
