How do we deal with memories of past sins?

How do we deal with memories of past sins?

God’s Word is the solution for healing and for creating something new.

24/06/20243 min

By ActiveChristianity

How do we deal with memories of past sins?

How can you become free from thoughts that remind you of sins you have done in the past? The truth is that everyone has sinned. As a result, people are troubled by the memory of sins they have done. But there is a solution that is sure to heal these wounds.

We are saved by the Word of truth, as we read in Ephesians 1:13. In Jesus the Word became flesh and lived among us. (John 1:14.) When He spoke, His words were so powerful that evil spirits had to flee.

When you hear God’s Word, the Holy Spirit brings it into your heart. If you obey this Word of truth, then it becomes part of you.

The Word is the seed, God’s seed. (Luke 8:5-15.) And when that remains in you, then you cannot sin, as it says in 1 John 3:9. So what you have to do, and keep doing, is to keep the Word of God in your heart. Allow it to sink down into your heart, and then it will grow and bear fruit. (Matthew 13:8.) When you are obedient to the Word of truth so that it becomes part of you, then you’ll get a whole new thought life, so that you’re finished with the things that troubled you, and those evil memories of sin.

That’s why you have to fill your heart and thoughts with God’s Word. Then you are like a mighty fortress where the thoughts from Satan cannot come in. God’s Word is a mighty weapon, with it you can strike back at these evil memories. (Ephesians 6:17.)

You can see how Jesus took it when the devil tempted Him when He was in the wilderness. He fought back with the Word of God! The devil came in such a clever way, and also used the Word of God, but Jesus fired back at him, because He was the Word of God! The Word of God had become part of Him, and therefore He had that kind of power.

The devil has to go away when those Words are spoken; those are the eternal Words of God. Words that help and save us. There is a creating power in those Words. And it will also create something new in your heart when you believe in the Word and hold yourself to the Word. Then it will succeed fully and completely for you. And you’ll come to an entirely new life, a completely new way of thinking, where God works in you so that you want to do His will and you do His will.

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This article is inspired by a talk by Kaare J. Smith on February 7, 2018. This article was originally published on and has been adapted with permission for use on this website.