Daniel: Faithful to God alone

Daniel: Faithful to God alone

Read this inspiring story about Daniel’s true faithfulness, and his faith in God no matter what happened to him.

10/07/20234 min

By ActiveChristianity

Daniel: Faithful to God alone

5 min

"Daniel in the lions’ den" is a story of courage and bravery, but most of all, about true faithfulness.

Three times a day Daniel kneeled at the window facing Jerusalem and prayed earnestly to God, and this day was no exception. However, this time he was praying while his life was in great danger. Like everyone else in Babylon, Daniel had read the new law sent out from the king. Everyone that worshipped anyone other than the king himself during the next thirty days would be thrown into the lions' den.

But that didn’t stop Daniel. He would NOT stop praying to his God who had been with him his whole life. Daniel’s God had never failed him, and Daniel would never leave God.

Daniel served God, and God alone

The Bible tells us what happened next: “Daniel heard about the law, but when he returned home, he went upstairs and prayed in front of the window that faced Jerusalem. In the same way that he had always done, he knelt down in prayer three times a day, giving thanks to God. The men who had spoken to the king watched Daniel and saw him praying to his God for help.” Daniel 6:10-11 (CEV).

Daniel was arrested and thrown into the lions' den. But the Almighty God looked after him and he did not get hurt at all. (Daniel 6:8-24.)

Daniel didn’t stop praying to God. And God heard him. In Daniel 9 it is written that as soon as Daniel began to pray, God told the angels to go out and help him. “When you first started praying, an answer was given, and I came to tell you, because God loves you very much.” Daniel 9:23 (NCV).

Just think to get such a message from heaven: "God loves you very much! Your words have been heard! We angels were sent here straight away to help you."

This is a story of courage and bravery, but most of all, of faithfulness. Daniel refused to bow down and give in to people and let them influence him with their opinions and rules, even if it meant that he had to die. Daniel served God, and God alone, even if it would cost him his life.

Called to live in eternal glory

The day Daniel knelt down and prayed to God, he actually signed his own death sentence. But God does not think like people, and He is not limited like we are. The God who rescued Daniel from the lions is the same God today and forever.

So even in the face of hungry lions, or in our own lives, in the face of whatever suffering we may experience, God sees us and rewards faithfulness. When we bow our knees to Him and decide that no matter what comes along, we will not stop loving and obeying our God, then He rewards us richly. We become very useful to Him and can be a real blessing and help for the people around us, just like Daniel became a very useful adviser for the kings of Babylon.

God hears the prayers of the faithful! Let us have the same mindset as Daniel had, so that we pray to God every day for grace to stay in His will. And God will answer such prayers, just as it is written in Daniel 10:12 (NLT): “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.” 

This article is based on an article by Janne Epland originally published on https://activechristianity.org/ and has been adapted with permission for use on this website.
