How other people experience me

How other people experience me

Do the people around me see a life in God, or do they see a man who often just reacts according to his nature?

22/04/20244 min

By ActiveChristianity

How other people experience me

5 min

Angry, impatient, stubborn and demanding. These are words that could easily have described me.

We see that certain sins are inherited – they are passed down from generation to generation. In my own family, easily getting angry is definitely one of those. A lot of people can use these inherited sins as an excuse to continue to react in a certain way. But sins can be overcome, and as a Christian I shouldn't make any excuses for myself for not overcoming in every area. Even if it’s something that is so deep in me and so strong in my family.

Human nature or godly nature?

As a Christian I should show God's nature. (2 Peter 1:2-8.) My life should show the fruits of the Spirit like love, joy, patience etc, which is the same as godly nature. (2 Corinthians 4: 10-111 Peter 3:9.) If I really think about what that means, it means that being around me should be like being around Jesus Himself. It should be that as time passes, the sin in my human nature, like anger and impatience, are overcome and replaced by the fruits of the Spirit. Then patience, gentleness and goodness come forth.

This may not be the way other people experience me now, but I know that by being faithful in my daily life, it can become like this. When I'm tempted to be angry or to get frustrated I can say No to this sin in my nature – say No to anger and Yes to goodness. Then little by little I get more of the fruits of the Spirit. The others around me should never have to experience those inherited sins in my nature. They should experience godly nature instead of the nature that I was born with and the family characteristics that I have!

A life of progress

Easily getting angry is one very visible example. And because it is so obvious when somebody gets angry, it is also very edifying to see progress in someone’s life in this area. Maybe your friend, parent, or sibling has always been quick to become irritated and angry. But then they get to the point where they really want to get finished with this, and you realise that they aren’t getting angry at you anymore.

They used to be constantly angry about the things you said and did, but now, because of the gospel of overcoming sin, they overcome. This gives you a great hope for yourself! You can also overcome and experience change in your life.

I’m the kind of guy who gets jealous easily and so, when my friends are having fun and I’m not invited, the natural thing for me would be to get jealous. Why was I not invited? Are we not friends anymore? These thoughts used to cause me a lot of unrest, but now I understand to say No to these thoughts and rather be happy when the others are happy. (Romans 12:15.)

When reading the Bible, you never get a taste of the human nature Jesus was born with. This is because He always said No to the sin in His human nature - so that God's nature could be visible from His life. It can be the same way with us. If I were to move to a new place tomorrow, what would new friends and neighbours experience? The old nature I was born with that's full of laziness and impatience? Or would they experience someone that is godly, hard-working and patient?

Of course, this is a process that takes time, but I know that if I focus on getting more of Jesus’ nature, then it will happen. And that is how the others will experience me.

This article is based on an article by Carl Henry originally published on and has been adapted with permission for use on this website.
