Paul’s testimony was: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.” What will your testimony be?
This article was written for New Year in 1957, but it is just as relevant today as it was then.
Psalm 18 speaks about a very active God and a wholehearted man.
The Bible tells us that being in godly fear is the best way to make sure your prayer is answered.
It is God Himself who controls the boundaries of our lives with the goal to draw us closer to Himself.
In our “secret” prayer room we have close fellowship with God, and there we have great power!
Faith gives us access to God’s power, but doubt shuts out God. We must believe without doubting!
To get the peace of God that will keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus, you have to fight!
In Proverbs it says that a faithful person is hard to find. Are you one of those few people?
Is it possible to know God personally?
God gave us a free will, because He wants us to make our own decisions.
I found joy knowing that God created me just as I am.
Do you really believe in God’s goodness and power? Or do you think God is just as weak as you?
God wants to live in the hearts of people.
Throughout His life Jesus said: “Let Your will be done, not mine!” These words are the key to becoming one with God and with people.
We know that the Bible says that God loves us. But where is He in difficult times?
A testimony about living to please God.
Esther was a “prayer warrior”, a God-fearing woman with a strong personal connection to Jesus.
Have you ever doubted that God loves you? These Bible verses might change that.
The Bible speaks about living before God and not before people. But what does that mean in practical life?
Sometimes “talents” might mean something very different to what you might think.
Samuel was special from childhood. His story shows us how important it is to listen to God’s voice and to obey it, whatever it takes.
Read how some young people do this in their daily lives.
God wants to have our spirit, and He wants to make His home in us again. How does He do this?
To believe in God is to believe that He exists and that His Word is true. And if we believe this, it should have a great effect on our daily life …
The truth behind the way we need to serve.
I knew I wasn’t living the way I should as a disciple, until a life-changing experience forced me to come closer to God.
How simple, everyday things were slowly breaking down my relationship with God.
I never expected to become someone who believed in God.
Do you really want to find God’s will in your daily life? The key is to give up your own will in order to find God’s will
God wanted us to be alive, but for what reason?
There is judgment that is a help, and there is a judgment that is corrupt and harmful. One is light and one is dark. Read more here!
Do we know that God is always very near to us? Every day, throughout our whole life?
"Our finest gifts we bring to lay before the King!"
Have you ever felt that sometimes God doesn’t listen to you? Why does God not want to answer your prayers?
Why doesn’t He make it easier for me to believe?
God hears more than my prayer, He sees the desire of my heart. What does He have to see in my heart to answer my prayers?
Linda found true freedom when she realised that there was only One whom she had to please.
I had to fight a battle to overcome my inferiority complex, that feeling that I was of less worth and less important than others, and to have faith in God’s love for me as a person.
Have you ever thought this when you come in hard or difficult situations?
The Bible tells us that all our sins can be forgiven. But is this really possible?
Overcoming inferiority and superiority complexes, feeling that you are either worse or better than others, is no small thing. But, as always, God’s word shows us the way.
When we experienced the ugliness of racism against us, my 5-year-old son knew the best way to handle it.
God sees you as precious and unique and of great value. How do you see yourself?
How do we know that God loves us? More importantly: How does God know that we love Him?
A mother’s story of what she experienced when she let go of her dream of a “perfect” life.
Do you believe in miracles? What does a miracle look like to you?
The way we think about and treat the needy, the lowly and those that the world looks down on, shows what we think about God, the Creator.
When you are worried, you make God small and yourself great. In reality, you are calling God a liar.