Everyone needs good friends.
Gadiel Lazcano
Comparing yourself with others can be very harmful.
A shining example of the result of a life of following Jesus.
Is it possible to have a gentle and quiet spirit when you have a loud and energetic personality?
When I see how my “normal” negative reactions have never made anything better, I want to do things differently.
Do the people around me see a life in God, or do they see a man who often just reacts according to his nature?
I have a promise for eternity that is worth fighting for.
I’ve always thought that I’m a patient person. Then I realised I was just making excuses for myself.
It is possible to never worry again!
I have experienced how great our God is, and how much healing and help there is in God’s Word.
To see people as God sees them, helps us when we have to do with strong, dominating people.
I have found three reasons why I can look forward and be thankful for the coming year and the times ahead!
I’m not so excited about the presents, music and all the decorations of the Christmas time. But there is one thing that I do get excited about at Christmas.
How do you actually become happy? How do you get real peace, happiness and joy in life?
Being a Christian should affect our everyday life.
How I overcame loneliness.
I grew up in a Christian family, but what convinced me that Christianity was the truth for my own life?
I was constantly reacting to things in a way that I hated. Here’s how I found the solution.
A mother’s honest testimony of how her child’s simple comment showed her the truth about herself.
I can live in such a way that God is glorified through me!
“Prayer is one of the main pillars in my life. I am so glad that I can go to God and get help. Who else should I go to when I’m in need?”
Discovering how good it is to be open and honest about my faith.
I found joy knowing that God created me just as I am.
“Fighting sin” can sound like a difficult thing to do, but we don’t need to do it alone!
What is true happiness and how can we get it?
I used to struggle a lot with dark thoughts and discouragement. Here’s how it all changed.
How I overcame dark and heavy thoughts.
A testimony about living to please God.
Why would someone give up their own will?
The simple answer I once heard someone give to this question made a big impression on me.
As a busy mother, I was trying to do everything right, but it wasn’t until I really started to seek God’s kingdom first that everything became clear to me.
Fedora tells how she became completely free from her bad temper.
What makes the life of a disciple so special?
“No matter where you live or who you are, you can become completely happy.”
What is the real cause of all disagreements and conflicts?
How I became overflowing with thankfulness.
It’s possible to place all my trust in God. He guides my life.
Who or what decides if I will become irritated with those around me?
A film in English class made me think about the effect my words have on those around me.
Even though my feelings often seem to change without warning, I’ve learned the secret to getting them under control so that they don’t rule over me.
His own experiences have proved that this life is real.
Being able to look forward to the day that I meet my Saviour and receive the reward of a faithful life, is one of the greatest benefits of being a Christian.
Do you ever feel like everything is against you? That’s how I feel today.
The Christmas season can be so busy that we can easily forget what we are celebrating.
The surprising truth about how difficult it is to be nice.
How a bomb threat tested my confidence in God.
I’ve learned that the way to be with difficult people is by learning to manage my own reactions.
Sometimes I wished that I could just magically stop caring what other people thought about me.
The truth behind the way we need to serve.
I knew I wasn’t living the way I should as a disciple, until a life-changing experience forced me to come closer to God.
It is important to understand that sinning and being tempted to sin are two different things.
“Where do I go from here?” was a question that was burning in the heart of a young man from Cameroon after he was converted.
My life changed when I discovered how much better it is to give than to receive.
How simple, everyday things were slowly breaking down my relationship with God.
In my work with customers, I meet people with all sorts of personalities.
I never expected to become someone who believed in God.
Even though Anelle has been living with a disease for many years, she is a young woman who has learnt to be deeply satisfied.
How am I using these opportunities?
“What does your future look like? Have you planned out your life?” I had to stop and think before I answered.
Have you ever had a day when everything seems to go wrong?
What exactly is “my way”, and how does “my way” fit into serving God?
It can be hard to find the meaning of life when every day is just passing by the same as the one before, until you start looking at life in a completely new way.
A simple faith in God brings results.
This past year has not been easy, but I have every reason to be full of faith for the future.
The list of things I can’t do is endless. But I can do the small part that is right in front of me.
Linda found true freedom when she realised that there was only One whom she had to please.
How can Jesus command us to love people? How can you make yourself love someone else?
God doesn’t ask about your past, who you are or what you can do. All He asks is if you’re willing …
This is my story – a story of faith.
I had to fight a battle to overcome my inferiority complex, that feeling that I was of less worth and less important than others, and to have faith in God’s love for me as a person.
At one point I couldn’t control my worries and fear, but today I am a young woman with a positive outlook on life.
My life was changed in so many ways – and not the way you would expect.
I realised that fear, although it was very real for me, was not from God. And then He showed me how to overcome it.
Hospitalised with COVID-19, the Bible verses that kept coming to his mind were something for Hermen to hold on to.
Doubt makes you powerless.
Death is the great unknown. But as a Christian I have precious promises for my future.
Sometimes it can feel like there is pressure coming from all directions.
“All things happen for my best.” But how do I practice it in my daily life, like when I’m tempted to be jealous?
Rolf: Some people get angry quickly. I am one of them.
Alta was very easily offended at everyone and everything and this was destroying her life. How could she find a way to stop being offended?
When I was young, I found that something was missing in my life; I just didn’t know what. Then I read the words of Jesus.
When Julia saw how full of pride and arrogance she was, she knew that there was something she could do about it.
I had forgotten something very important and necessary – my huge reward.
One person’s battle with comparing herself with others.
There is no joy in measuring my life against anyone else’s.
“Today is the day.” The day I realised what I had been missing.
What Easter means for me personally.
Only recently have I really thought about how important Easter is for my own life.
When I didn’t even know God, He was gently drawing me to Him. Now I choose Him daily.
A mother’s story of what she experienced when she let go of her dream of a “perfect” life.
How do I “fit into heaven” if I don’t already come into the same spirit that rules in heaven while I’m here on earth?
I had gotten used to agreeing with his lies, until God showed me what needed to change in my life.
To be happy with those who are happy is easier said than done. But if I can learn how to do just that – just think how much more happy I will become!