No one wants to be grumpy

No one wants to be grumpy

How can my face always “shine” even if I don’t “feel” like it?

17/03/20255 min

By ActiveChristianity

No one wants to be grumpy

There is a line from a children’s song that has been a great help for my life: “A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam …”

Whenever I feel that I’m in a difficult situation, tempted to be angry, or having a “bad day”, the line from this song comes to me and I’m reminded to change my attitude and let all miserable thoughts go. I have to pray for power to fight against this grumpy attitude. I certainly can’t just change my feelings but with God’s grace He can help me overcome the sin that is causing these grumpy feelings and attitude, like selfishness, irritation, stubbornness, or whatever it is.

A face that shines

But what does it mean to be a sunbeam? To me, the words “being a sunbeam” make me think of a face that shines with happiness and love; a face that shines with light. Someone who is like this is always good to be with, someone who always makes it good for the others. No one ever has to worry about offending people who have it like that, or making them grumpy, or saying the wrong thing. This kind of person draws others with their spirit. That’s how I want to be, everyday.

But how can I be a sunbeam all the time? Often things happen, situations come up and I can suddenly become angry or irritated with others. Is it really possible to always be a true sunbeam?

For me, being a sunbeam means that I actually am happy no matter what my feelings want to tell me. No matter what bad thoughts I may be tempted to, or what grumpy feelings I feel are coming up, that I can say, “No, I don’t want to be like that,” and then decide to show love, kindness, patience, gentleness, etc. Nobody has to know what trials I am going through that may tempt me to bad thoughts; they only need to see that goodness and light are coming forth from me.

No matter what kind of seemingly bad things come my way – dealing with unreasonable people, finding myself in difficult situations, etc. – no matter what battle is going on in the hidden, only goodness comes forth.

Free to be a sunbeam

But how do I become this person?

Sometimes the words of this song come right away when my thoughts start to go in a dark direction, but sometimes I only become aware of these thoughts after twenty minutes or so. But when I am quick to get rid of those thoughts as soon as I become aware of them, then I am being obedient to what I know is right.

If I let these miserable thoughts stay and affect my spirit, then they move into my heart, and I start to become a miserable, bitter, unhappy person. When I allow those unhappy thoughts to take over, then I become a slave to them: a slave to the sins of unthankfulness, complaining, or other evil things. (John 8:34.)

But if I’m quick to overcome these sinful thoughts the moment I become aware of them, then these sins are “put to death” and I become free to be a sunbeam for Jesus! The life of Christ becomes visible in me, and others can see it, and He can be glorified through me. (2 Corinthians 4:10.) And the more I overcome when I am tempted to feel grumpy, the more natural it becomes not to give in and in the end it becomes my immediate reaction.

“You are the light for the whole world. A city built on top of a hill cannot be hidden, and no one lights a lamp and puts it under a clay pot. Instead, it is placed on a lampstand, where it can give light to everyone in the house. Make your light shine, so others will see the good you do and will praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 (CEV).

As soon as I think about the song, “A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam …,” then my heart grows lighter and everything changes. I remember to be happy, I remember to be thankful for everything, and I remember to be a light for others. I don’t have to be grumpy and I certainly don’t want to be. Being tempted to be grumpy is very natural, but nobody likes feeling grumpy. It’s a choice. And we can choose to be happy. We can choose to be a sunbeam.

This article is based on an article by Irene Janz originally published on and has been adapted with permission for use on this website.
