According to what Jesus Himself said, there is one way to know for certain that our relationship with Him is real.
Do you allow Jesus to be your Shepherd or are you still trying to be in control of your own life?
Everyone needs good friends.
What is the truth? What does it mean for us and how does it affect and change our lives?
When Jesus was on earth most people didn’t know who He really was. And now it is still the same.
If I want to live the life of a Christian, do I have to stop being “me”?
The road to Damascus was just the beginning for Paul.
There is only one way to really get to know Jesus.
When Jesus was born a new hope came for everyone who was tired of being a slave to sin.
Who do I live for? Am I serving God or people?
Do you have a High Priest that understands your weaknesses and helps you to overcome?
How would it feel to find out that your life has been useless?
We all have things or people we turn to when we need comfort. But do you get true and lasting comfort?
We are human. We sin. Is that the end of the story?
In the Bible, Jesus has been given many different names. Did you ever think about what some of these names and titles mean to us personally?
Have you thought about Jesus, God’s only Son, and what He did so that we could be His brothers and sisters?
At Christmas we think of our Saviour. But what does that mean for us?
What is God’s purpose for me? What is God’s will for my life?
Jesus said that there are few who find the narrow way. Do you know how to find it or more importantly, how to walk on it?
Ascension Day, which is 40 days after Easter Sunday, has been celebrated by the church from the early centuries AD – with good reason
What Easter means for me personally.
Only recently have I really thought about how important Easter is for my own life.
When I didn’t even know God, He was gently drawing me to Him. Now I choose Him daily.
Hate is a strong word. Should we really hate our father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even ourselves?
It’s good for us to examine ourselves to see if Jesus is still the first in our lives.
Being obedient to the words that Jesus spoke will lead us to a life in all its fullness, to eternal life.
What kind of life do you think a person will lead, if Jesus is his true Lord and Master, all the time?
If Jesus is our Forerunner, it must mean that there are others who follow after Him.