What is happiness really?
The Bible tells us that if we want to become a Christian, we must give up our own life. But is this really worth it?
There is no doubt that God sees marriage as a sacred relationship!
Is it really possible to always be happy despite the unrest I face every day?
There’s a big difference. And it is very important to know what the difference is.
Jesus tells us that we must be born again. How do we do that?
Most people would say that the opposite of joy is sadness or sorrow. But is that true?
God’s Word is the solution for healing and for creating something new.
It can be hard for many to believe, but it is completely possible to be free from sin.
To do righteousness in my daily life is to do what God wants me to do.
What is the truth? What does it mean for us and how does it affect and change our lives?
If I want to live the life of a Christian, do I have to stop being “me”?
What is “adultery” according to God’s Word and what are the results of adultery?
Many Christians are discussing whether divorced people may remarry or not. But what does God’s Word say?
Are you firmly holding on to the hope you have confessed?
We read a lot about the heart in the Bible. But what exactly is our heart, spiritually speaking? What is the importance of our heart?
The Bible speaks about being perfect. What does this mean, and is it possible?
What does the Bible say that can still help us today?
Did Jesus really mean what He said?
Wouldn’t it be better to talk about all the goodness in people?
The natural thing for human beings is to give in to sin. So how can we take up the battle against sin and win?
When I walk in the light, life becomes good, and I always have a good conscience. But how do I walk in the light?
God gave us a free will, because He wants us to make our own decisions.
We know that the Bible says that God loves us. But where is He in difficult times?
Since I cannot overcome sin without the help of the Holy Spirit, it is very important that I listen and obey when the Spirit speaks to me.
How do I actually become happy with those who are happy, even when I don’t feel like it?
The Bible tells us to “always be joyful”. But how is that possible?
Who is the Holy Spirit? Why do I need Him?
Believing is more than just agreeing that the Bible is true.
Read how some young people do this in their daily lives.
To believe in God is to believe that He exists and that His Word is true. And if we believe this, it should have a great effect on our daily life …
If you want to convince someone to become a Christian, a faithful life speaks louder than words.
What is the purpose of today?
It is very difficult to explain what faith is in just a few words, but there are a few important things that can help us to get a good understanding of it.
There’s only one thing that can really make you happy and give you rest.
I’ve read the Bible and learned from it all my life, but how can I know for sure that the Bible is actually true?
The gospel is described as a “way”, because a “way” is something you walk on. On a “way” there is movement and progress.
There are many people who come to Jesus. But not many of them become disciples.
It is really nice to have fellowship with others. But why is fellowship needed?
Do you find you are still doing bad things, even though you really want to do what is good?
I’m only young once. How do I use that short time in my life?
Do you feel restless and does your life seem empty? Are you worried about many things and do you have many questions?
It is important to be watchful, so that we notice when we are being tempted to sin, even if the thought seems harmless.
We are all tempted to sin, but if we want to overcome sin, we need to take action!
We are human. We sin. Is that the end of the story?
“He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” 1 John 4:8.
God wanted us to be alive, but for what reason?
To share in the godly nature means that my nature becomes like God’s nature – through His creating work in me!
With the help of the gospel it is possible to come completely free from pornography.
God loves us and only wants the best for us.
Is it possible to be tempted and not know it? Is it possible to sin without knowing? What does it mean to be tempted?
Have you ever felt that sometimes God doesn’t listen to you? Why does God not want to answer your prayers?
This is the key to overcoming sin in our life!
Jesus said that to be His disciple, you have to “take up your cross daily”. How can you do that?
Why doesn’t He make it easier for me to believe?
God hears more than my prayer, He sees the desire of my heart. What does He have to see in my heart to answer my prayers?
It can be hard enough to forgive someone who is sorry …
Is there any way to tell the difference between true Christians and those who aren’t?
The fruit of the Spirit is godly nature (love, patience, goodness, etc.) that becomes my nature when I die to sin.
It is not a sin to be tempted to be jealous, but if you let it live and grow, it can destroy your life.
The Bible tells us that all our sins can be forgiven. But is this really possible?
Overcoming inferiority and superiority complexes, feeling that you are either worse or better than others, is no small thing. But, as always, God’s word shows us the way.
How was Jesus’ crucifixion and sacrifice different from the sacrifices and forgiveness in the Old Covenant?
How do I know if I am “being friends” with “the world?”
How do we know that God loves us? More importantly: How does God know that we love Him?
Have you ever wondered what it means for you to give your own body as a living sacrifice?
To be saved to the uttermost means to have a much deeper salvation; to be saved not only from the results of sin, but from the very chains of sin.
Hate is a strong word. Should we really hate our father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even ourselves?
Do you have a hope for eternal life? Can you live a life that leads to eternal life in your time here on earth?
What is sin – original sin, deeds of the body, sin in the flesh (in our human nature). What is the difference between having sin (having a sinful nature) and doing sin?
If Christ did come in the flesh, in a human nature, what kind of nature was it? Why is that important?
What does the Bible say about money?
It can feel that I become impure when I am tempted. But did I do sin?
What does the Bible mean when it says that we should be “more than conquerors?” Who does it speak about when it is written “to him who overcomes?”
Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 6:11-14 that having faith means we need to do something. But what does this really mean?
Some clarity on an interesting topic that is often misunderstood.
What do I do with thoughts that are not pleasing to God?
What do I do when I feel like I’m not everything I should be?
Where is your focus in life?
Learn about what will happen on the day that everyone must appear before Christ to be judged
“I really had a longing to be free from impure thoughts but the way to do this was never clear.”
How can I keep my thought life pure when many of these thoughts just come up without me wanting them?
How is it possible to not worry about anything in a world where so many things are uncertain?
There is a huge difference between people who call themselves Christians. How many can we say are truly glorifying God with the lives they live?