What is a productive day?
Each day is a precious gift from God, with new grace and new opportunities.
How can the Bible help me in my situations today?
In Proverbs it says that a faithful person is hard to find. Are you one of those few people?
I can live in such a way that God is glorified through me!
Being a Christian should affect our everyday life.
God wants us to seek His will in everything, also in our earthly work.
How I overcame dark and heavy thoughts.
A testimony about living to please God.
Who do I live for? Am I serving God or people?
As a busy mother, I was trying to do everything right, but it wasn’t until I really started to seek God’s kingdom first that everything became clear to me.
What makes the life of a disciple so special?
An egoist or a helper?
What is the real cause of all disagreements and conflicts?
Who or what decides if I will become irritated with those around me?
Do you ever feel like everything is against you? That’s how I feel today.
The surprising truth about how difficult it is to be nice.
How a bomb threat tested my confidence in God.
I’ve learned that the way to be with difficult people is by learning to manage my own reactions.
Everyone wants world peace, but creating peace starts with me.
Read how some young people do this in their daily lives.
Sometimes I wished that I could just magically stop caring what other people thought about me.
If you want to convince someone to become a Christian, a faithful life speaks louder than words.
The truth behind the way we need to serve.
I knew I wasn’t living the way I should as a disciple, until a life-changing experience forced me to come closer to God.
It is important to understand that sinning and being tempted to sin are two different things.
What is the purpose of today?
My life changed when I discovered how much better it is to give than to receive.
How simple, everyday things were slowly breaking down my relationship with God.
In my work with customers, I meet people with all sorts of personalities.
No matter how different we are from one another, there is something that is the same for all of us …
Where do your “opinions” come from – the things you believe and feel so strongly about? Are you always right, and what should you do when you think you are right, but others have a different opinion to you?
Why do you do or say certain things? Are you worrying about what others might think? Do you want to be free?
Have you ever had a day when everything seems to go wrong?
What exactly is “my way”, and how does “my way” fit into serving God?
Isn’t what you do as a Christian on Monday the most important question?
Blaming others is almost as natural as breathing for many people.
It can be hard to find the meaning of life when every day is just passing by the same as the one before, until you start looking at life in a completely new way.
We all know that blaming others never helps the situation, yet this way of reacting lies in our nature from the beginning …
It’s easy to send messages through social media. But have you thought about the results?
The narrow way is the way to life. It means giving up something – but the results are amazing!
The great power of thankfulness can change a situation completely.
Do I need to completely change the way I read some of the verses in the Bible? Have I been reading them wrong all this time?
It’s common to want to defend ourselves if we think we are treated badly. But is that the way Jesus taught us to go?
What do I do with thoughts that are not pleasing to God?