There’s a big difference. And it is very important to know what the difference is.
School! Many young people do not even want to hear that word!
Here are a few verses about God’s glorious promise to us: we can overcome sin!
When I see how my “normal” negative reactions have never made anything better, I want to do things differently.
It can be hard for many to believe, but it is completely possible to be free from sin.
God’s Word is the solution for healing and for creating something new.
The Bible speaks about overcoming sin. Many people come to Jesus for forgiveness of their sins – but how about overcoming these sins?
I’ve always thought that I’m a patient person. Then I realised I was just making excuses for myself.
God has called us to live an overcoming life and here’s how we can rule over sin!
Human beings are very selfish by nature; everything is about ourselves. But we don’t have to stay that way!
Did Jesus really mean what He said?
The natural thing for human beings is to give in to sin. So how can we take up the battle against sin and win?
How to overcome Satan’s lies and accusations.
“Fighting sin” can sound like a difficult thing to do, but we don’t need to do it alone!
How do I actually become happy with those who are happy, even when I don’t feel like it?
Do you know what your reward is?
Fedora tells how she became completely free from her bad temper.
What makes the life of a disciple so special?
“No matter where you live or who you are, you can become completely happy.”
Who or what decides if I will become irritated with those around me?
To you who are really fighting hard to overcome sin and are still not getting it right: It shall succeed!
His own experiences have proved that this life is real.
Who is the Holy Spirit? Why do I need Him?
This will definitely make you happier!
It is not a bad thing to know your weakness when it comes to sin. No, not at all! But do you know where you can get power from?
We all have sinful desires in our nature which try to trick us into doing evil. How can we be saved from these?
Are you actively doing something to stop sinning?
It is important to understand that sinning and being tempted to sin are two different things.
The greatest promise that God has given us is that we can be changed completely!
How am I using these opportunities?
Do you find you are still doing bad things, even though you really want to do what is good?
We are all tempted to sin, but if we want to overcome sin, we need to take action!
There is a battle we have to fight, a battle against sin – which is the root of all suffering.
With the help of the gospel it is possible to come completely free from pornography.
We do not need to feel guilty when we are tempted. Here’s why …
Is it possible to be tempted and not know it? Is it possible to sin without knowing? What does it mean to be tempted?
How can James say that we should be “full of joy” in our trials? How can suffering be joyful?
How badly do you want to overcome your sinful lusts and desires? Are you willing to run away from these sins until you get what you truly want – victory over them?
It is not a sin to be tempted to be jealous, but if you let it live and grow, it can destroy your life.
Rolf: Some people get angry quickly. I am one of them.
To do something good, I must first be set free from evil.
Alta was very easily offended at everyone and everything and this was destroying her life. How could she find a way to stop being offended?
I had forgotten something very important and necessary – my huge reward.
When Satan works among God’s people, he uses their natural desires and the things that are attractive to them.
It’s common to want to defend ourselves if we think we are treated badly. But is that the way Jesus taught us to go?
When I think of my calling as a Christian, how interested am I in actually achieving it?
As Christians we have a very high and holy calling, and that is not at all dependent on our education or background or race!
To be happy with those who are happy is easier said than done. But if I can learn how to do just that – just think how much more happy I will become!
Many sins are directly connected to these three main points.
Our time here on earth with a sinful human nature, can be like traveling through a minefield. How do we get safely through it?
The path of my life is made up of the day-to-day choices I make.
It can feel that I become impure when I am tempted. But did I do sin?
Just how dangerous is a little impure thought?
What must we overcome? Why is it so bad?
What does the Bible mean when it says that we should be “more than conquerors?” Who does it speak about when it is written “to him who overcomes?”
Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 6:11-14 that having faith means we need to do something. But what does this really mean?
What do I do with thoughts that are not pleasing to God?
“I really had a longing to be free from impure thoughts but the way to do this was never clear.”
How can I keep my thought life pure when many of these thoughts just come up without me wanting them?
Temptation is a testing of my faith. This is a very exciting life.