In our “secret” prayer room we have close fellowship with God, and there we have great power!
“Prayer is one of the main pillars in my life. I am so glad that I can go to God and get help. Who else should I go to when I’m in need?”
Jesus taught His disciples what was most important to pray for.
Esther was a “prayer warrior”, a God-fearing woman with a strong personal connection to Jesus.
It is important to be watchful, so that we notice when we are being tempted to sin, even if the thought seems harmless.
Do you pray in the way that the Bible says you should pray?
The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders and governments.
A simple faith in God brings results.
It’s not a secret! Jesus teaches us clearly in the parable of the widow who didn’t give up.
Have you ever felt that sometimes God doesn’t listen to you? Why does God not want to answer your prayers?
God hears more than my prayer, He sees the desire of my heart. What does He have to see in my heart to answer my prayers?
At one point I couldn’t control my worries and fear, but today I am a young woman with a positive outlook on life.
Why is prayer so important for a believer?
In my frustration and anger about the country I live in, I got an important revelation: it is actually my responsibility to pray for my country.