Paul’s testimony was: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.” What will your testimony be?
No one likes to have trials and troubles, but why do we need them to come to God’s glory?
What happens when we reach our limits as human beings?
A shining example of the result of a life of following Jesus.
Joy. It is a fruit of the Spirit that all of us are looking for. How can we always have true joy?
The Bible speaks about being perfect. What does this mean, and is it possible?
God wants to live in the hearts of people.
Find out what true riches are and how you can get them.
It is possible to live the life of Jesus while we are still here on earth!
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation.” How does this work in practice?
Do you know what your reward is?
Being a Christian is so much better than we could possibly imagine.
Being able to look forward to the day that I meet my Saviour and receive the reward of a faithful life, is one of the greatest benefits of being a Christian.
God wants to have our spirit, and He wants to make His home in us again. How does He do this?
A death in the family got me thinking ...
Just think if you can say at the end of your life: “That was far better than I ever thought it would be!”
The greatest promise that God has given us is that we can be changed completely!
Death is the great unknown. But as a Christian I have precious promises for my future.
I had forgotten something very important and necessary – my huge reward.
Do you know how faith in God changes your life?
How do I “fit into heaven” if I don’t already come into the same spirit that rules in heaven while I’m here on earth?
The final goal in this life is to have rest and peace in all circumstances, in all kinds of difficulties. How do we get this kind of peace?