Thankful to the end

Thankful to the end

A shining example of the result of a life of following Jesus.

22/07/20244 min

By ActiveChristianity

Thankful to the end

I am thinking of a dear old friend of mine. Once so full of energy, and talkative, he is mostly quiet now.

His body is old and his mind has become weak. He, who once was the breadwinner in the home, the driver, the man who fixed whatever needed fixing, is now dependent on help in the simple tasks of daily life. Sometimes he tells stories from his childhood, but the thought process is getting slower.

But he is full of thankfulness. His face shines with joy. The words we hear most often are, “Thank you!” and “I’m so thankful!” Doesn’t it seem strange? A man who has lost his independence, who mostly sits in a chair all day long, being so thankful?

The secret to his thankfulness

What is the secret to this life, this joy? When he was a young man he heard that he could follow in the footsteps of Jesus, He who did no sin, as it says in 1 Peter 2:21-22, “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: ‘Who committed no sin, nor was deceit found in His mouth.’”

This amazing and powerful verse opened a new world for him. He had become a Christian already, but he kept doing things he knew were wrong, and only turned to Jesus for forgiveness. Now he learned to actually follow Jesus: step by step, saying No to the sin that he was tempted to. (Luke 9:23.) Instead of coming to the cross the whole time for forgiveness, he could take up his own cross and come to an overcoming life. A life where, through help and strength from God, he no longer had to sin!

It was a battle; it took time, but he didn’t give up. As time passed, he became more and more happy. And those around him began to see the results. This man, who used to get angry with his children, became gentle and kind to them. Instead of complaining, he became a happy man.

To get rid of the pride, stubbornness, self-seeking and whatever other sins the Spirit pointed out, cost something. He had to give up his own will and opinions that were against God’s will. It didn’t happen by itself. It didn’t come easily. It was a fight that needed total faithfulness, every moment of every day. Was it worth it?

The outcome of a faithful life

His happy contented face gives the answer. If you ask him how he is today, the answer is always “fine!” It’s not a superficial answer; he really means it. Every day is a good day. There is no trace of complaining, bitterness, or unhappiness. This is a result of the work that took place inside him during his life. He is full of the rest and peace that comes from a life of faithfulness to his God.

When I think of him I’m often reminded of the words in 1 Peter 3:10-11 (NLT): “If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.”

“God has done a work in me,” he says with a big smile. What a beautiful way to spend his last years here on earth! In joyful expectation of the eternal reward he will get for a life of serving God.

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This article is based on an article by Erny Janz originally published on and has been adapted with permission for use on this website.