It is God Himself who controls the boundaries of our lives with the goal to draw us closer to Himself.
I have found three reasons why I can look forward and be thankful for the coming year and the times ahead!
As Christians, what can we hope for in the new year?
“What does your future look like? Have you planned out your life?” I had to stop and think before I answered.
Do you really want to find God’s will in your daily life? The key is to give up your own will in order to find God’s will
When our hope is in Christ, we have a hope for a future in the greatest and eternal glory.
It can be hard to find the meaning of life when every day is just passing by the same as the one before, until you start looking at life in a completely new way.
A positive and hopeful message for the year ahead.
How can the future be positive and bright when all the news is so negative?
Almost all Christians look up to what is great, and they want their children to become great in the world. But this is not what God wants for us!
There is one path that has never disappointed anyone who chooses it. Do you think that to follow your dream is that path? Or is there something more?
What do I do when I feel like I’m not everything I should be?
Where is your focus in life?