The story of Ruth and Naomi is well known. But how does this story apply to your life?
Psalm 18 speaks about a very active God and a wholehearted man.
What is “adultery” according to God’s Word and what are the results of adultery?
When Jesus was on earth most people didn’t know who He really was. And now it is still the same.
These words of Jesus were the basis of His whole work of salvation! What did He do, and what does it mean for us?
It can be difficult to understand that when God disciplines and corrects us, it is actually His grace.
How important is obedience when it comes to our faith?
How can I walk by the Spirit?
Deborah was a prophetess and judge in Israel. She is a powerful example of how faith in action works!
Satan’s goal is to separate us from God. This is how we can stop him.
Are you ready for the truth?
We are all tempted to sin, but if we want to overcome sin, we need to take action!
God has given every person a soul and a spirit. What is the difference between these two?
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and it is on this rock that the Church is built.
This is the key to overcoming sin in our life!
It is not a sin to be tempted to be jealous, but if you let it live and grow, it can destroy your life.
Three men were crucified together on Calvary, but the day ended with three very different results. Who is your example?
If Christ did come in the flesh, in a human nature, what kind of nature was it? Why is that important?
It can feel that I become impure when I am tempted. But did I do sin?
Did you know that in everything we do, people will either see the life of Christ or the life of Satan in us?