To get the peace of God that will keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus, you have to fight!
To see people as God sees them, helps us when we have to do with strong, dominating people.
I found joy knowing that God created me just as I am.
It’s possible to place all my trust in God. He guides my life.
“What does your future look like? Have you planned out your life?” I had to stop and think before I answered.
How a bomb threat tested my confidence in God.
Hospitalised with COVID-19, the Bible verses that kept coming to his mind were something for Hermen to hold on to.
There can be so many reasons why we are tempted to worry, but we have the greatest power in the universe on our side!
“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life??” Matthew 6:27 (NRS).
When you are worried, you make God small and yourself great. In reality, you are calling God a liar.